The refugees from that set of planes came to Earth’s cosmology and settled on this plane on which which they divided the single continent up, and now live in relative peace. This version of Asgard exists after Ragnarok destroyed their original cosmology. “In my modern urban fantasy campaign I decided to strand my players for quite some time on an alternate Asgard, one in which all the realms were on one landmass. At the bottom of the map, you’ll see Jonrosh tied to a bed, ankles destroyed so he remains focused on writing for the perverted troll holding him captive.” - Robin Johnson, St. This map was heavily inspired by the 1990 film, Misery.

“A troll and its wererat cronies have taken renowned author Winston Jonrosh captive, forcing him to write their version of his next great novel. Robin Johnson/Used with Permission Troll Cistern So tighten your sword belts! Shine your pauldrons! Ready your wards and enchantments! The adventure begins below! We’ve collected a number of our favorite submissions below. Every single one calls out for exploration. From a hand-drawn city nestled inside a giant turtle shell, to a computer-illustrated continent, to a “Paraelemental Plane of Ooze” that’s honestly a little too real, your D&D maps are more incredible than we could have imagined. We received dozens of fantasy adventure maps illustrating the amazing worlds in our readers’ imaginations. Last week we asked Atlas Obscura readers to send us their greatest DIY Dungeons & Dragons maps. Dungeon maps are adventures in cartography.